go into overdrive加大力度,投入更多精力?
adj.overdone 煮得太久的;做得過分的
overexcited 過勵磁的;過于激動的
n.overdose 藥量過多(等于overdosage)
overdress [服裝] 外衣
overexertion 努力過度;用力過度
v.overdone 把…煮得過久;過于勞累;把…做得過度(overdo的過去分詞)
overexcited 使過分激動或興奮(overexcite的過去式)
vi.overdose 服藥過量;過分沉溺
overdo 做得過分;表演過火
overdraw 透支;夸張
overcrowd 過度擁擠;塞得太滿
overdress 穿得過分講究;穿得過多
vt.overdose 配藥過量;使過分沉溺
overdo 把…做得過分;使過于疲勞;對…表演過火;夸張
overdraw 透支;拉過度;夸張
overcrowd 使過度擁擠;把…塞得過滿
overdress 過度裝飾;使穿著過分講究
overexert 用力過度;用力過猛
1.The number of cars in the rich world will grow only slowly in the years ahead, but car ownership elsewhere is about to go into overdrive.
2.But in a dangerous situation our brains can work in overdrive to process information more quickly.
3.Academic globalisation has gone into overdrive in the modern university.
4.Just before you crest a hill or reach the end of a speed interval, your lungs go into overdrive.
5.Given America's shift into positive-psychology overdrive, a thoughtful critique of this solipsistic grasping is welcome.